There was a recent break through in the HIV/AID Virus with a drug called "Truvada" Which is currently being use to help treat patients with the virus but, also appears to be preventing HIV infection in healthy people.
FDA is still reviewing the drug, but it has helped a great percentage tremendously.
Here is more info about the Test & Drug:
Tell Us What You Think About These Turn Outs! Do you think that it will save lives and prevent the spread of HIV? Or Do you think that this will give others, many reasons to still mess over others? Comment Below or
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This is pure mess. Just giving reason for people to go out and have sex with every tom, dick, and Harry. And sense its a man made drug its there WILL be sideffects.
I think that it does have some negative reviews, some of them still say that your are positive when your not... so i really hope that they do fix it because, I think it would help more than hurt...people who still refuse to use condoms can pull this out!
not a laughing matter (lmao) however i laugh at the fact that they will still sale it with flaws and all.
I think the drug is dope. People are dying and not using protection so they need to do something. There are side effects from everything. So as long as they properly list the side effects then fug it. Its on you. Theres a side effects to HIV too....Its called death.Lmfao..Maybe I shouldnt have laughed after that..Smh.Im gone wear a rubber and pop one of them pills.Lol....But as far as people administering their own HIV tests..HELL NAWL! Lol...Theres this documentary on Netflix called House Of Numbers which is bout the "so called" HIV/AIDS epidemic around the world. According to them the HIV tests are faulty to begin with. Millions of people have been misdiagnosed. Its deep. Its a must see. Its way better than "Nude Nuns With Big Guns" which is also on Netflix. Bwahahahaha.
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